Praise & Worship Hymn Solos - Clarinet/Tenor Saxophone - Book/CDPrice:
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Praise & Worship Hymn Solos (Clarinet/Tenor Saxophone - Book/CD). (Book/CD Packs). Arranged by Stan Pethel. For Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone (Clarinet). Hal Leonard Instrumental Folio,. Hymns and Play Along. Difficulty: easy-medium. Clarinet/tenor saxophone solo book (piano accompaniment availabe separately) and accompaniment CD. 16 pages. Published by Hal Leonard.
15 hymns arranged for solo performance by Stan Pethel. Includes: Blessed Be The Name * Brethren, We Have Met To Worship * Come, Christians, Join To Sing * Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing * Fairest Lord Jesus * Holy, Holy, Holy * I Need Thee Every Hour * I Stand Amazed In The Presence * My Faith Looks Up To Thee * O Worship The King * Praise To The Lord, The Almighty * Rejoice Ye Pure In Heart * Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus * To God Be The Glory * We Have Heard The Joyful Sound. Piano accompaniment available separately (HL.841374).