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  • A New Translation of Dr. Suzuki’s Classic Treatise on Talent Education
Since first published in 1983, Nurtured by Love has been the guiding light for the world’s most popular method of teaching and learning the violin. Now, in this new translation by Kyoko and Lili Selden offers even more insight into the fascinating mind of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki. With the addition of a useful table of contents, Nurtured by Love is ready to serve and inspire the newest generations of Suzuki teachers. Published 2012, 143 pp, paperback.

Which should I choose – the original or revised translation?
The revised translation by Kyoko and Lili Selden adds a table of contents as well as a different viewpoint.
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Nurtured By Love by S. Suzuki Revised Translation

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Product Description

A New Translation of Dr. Suzuki’s Classic Treatise on Talent Education
Since first published in 1983, Nurtured by Love has been the guiding light for the world’s most popular method of teaching and learning the violin. Now, in this new translation by Kyoko and Lili Selden offers even more insight into the fascinating mind of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki. With the addition of a useful table of contents, Nurtured by Love is ready to serve and inspire the newest generations of Suzuki teachers. Published 2012, 143 pp, paperback.

Which should I choose – the original or revised translation?
The revised translation by Kyoko and Lili Selden adds a table of contents as well as a different viewpoint.

Compare the first paragraph for yourself:

Original translation (H2P)
All Japanese children speak Japanese
Oh – why, Japanese children can all speak Japanese! The thought suddenly struck me with amazement. In fact, all children throughout the world speak their native tongues with the utmost fluency. Any and every Japanese child – all speak Japanese without difficulty. Does that not show a startling talent? How, by what means, does this come about? I had to control an impulse to shout my joy over this discovery.

Revised translation (H2PN):
Children Throughout Japan Speak Japanese
“Ohh! Children everywhere in Japan are speaking Japanese!” I leaped up in astonishment. Each and every child speaks Japanese freely, and they do so without any difficulty whatsoever. Isn’t this a marvelous ability? Why is this? How has this come to pass? I could barely suppress my impulse to run into the streets, shouting.

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