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Is Classical Music Dying?...and Russell Fallstad on "A Late Quartet"


Saturday, November 24, 2012
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Is Classical Music Dying? In Response to Sunday's New York Times
Is Classical Music Dying? The answer is not to wean young people away from popular music; the answer is more musical literacy in music of all kinds. In response to last Sunday's New York Times.

V.com Interview with Russell Fallstad: coaching actors in violin and viola, for 'A Late Quartet'
A string quartet = a tiny musical ensemble, capable of drama of soap operatic proportions. Thus the new movie, "A Late Quartet," for which Russell Fallstad was a coach and hand double.

Advice to Young Musicians, by Robert Schumann. 70 great tips.
Robert Schumann's list of 70 tips for young musicians -- old-fashioned and amusing, but many are still relevant!

V.com weekend vote: When it comes to holiday music, would you rather play, sing, listen or stay away from it?
Weekend vote: When it comes to holiday music, would you rather play, sing, listen or stay away from it?

The Quartet was finally done, perfected and finished about three weeks ago and Yonatan presented it at the VSA (Violin Society of America) Competition in Cleveland, Ohio.

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Thank you to our sponsors, and to everyone who supports Violinist.com!

Thank you, again, for being a part of the Violinist.com community!
Laurie Niles

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