Hymns of Sacrifice and Triumph for Two Violins and PianoPrice:
0650 093
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Category: Two Violins and Piano ** Title: Hymns Of Sacrifice And Triumph ** Arranger: Catherine McMichael ** Publisher: Latham Music ** Difficulty: A2/A3.
From established arranger Catherine McMichael comes Hymns of Sacrifice and Triumph, a collection of familiar hymns suited to use during Lent and Easter. The first violin part tends to carry the melody line, while the second part (played either by another violin, or by viola or cello) harmonizes beautifully. The violin parts remain mostly in 1st through 3rd positions, making them easily sight-readable by more advanced players, as well as very accessible to intermediate players in general.
In addition to the two violin parts and the piano score, there are also two optional parts for viola and cello. These both double the 2nd violin part, though, and are meant to be used if a second violin is not available. Also, if desired (or if no piano is available), the written texture is such that the pieces may simply be played as duets without piano.
-> 1. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded [Passion Chorale] (Hans Leo Hassler, harmonized by J.S. Bach)
-> 2. When I Survey The Wondrous Cross [Hamburg] (Lowell Mason)
-> 3. Were You There [When They Crucified My Lord?] - African-American spiritual, c. 19th century
-> 4. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today [Easter Hymn] (Lyrica Davidica 1708)
-> 5. Thine Be The Glory [Judas Maccabeus] (G.F. Handel)
-> 6. Easter People, Raise Your Voices [Regent Square] (Henry T. Smart)
-> 7. Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise [Llanfair] (Robert Williams)