A terrific collection of the most enduring and beloved sacred music, including Albert Hay Malotte's 'The Lord's Prayer,' the most famous sacred song of this century. The easy piano arrangements include lyrics. Contents: Bach/Gounod: Ave Maria * Schubert: Ave Maria * Mueller: Create In Me A Clean Heart, O God * Handel (from Messiah): [He Shall Feed His Flock * I Know That My Redeemer Liveth] * O'Hara: [He Smiled On Me * I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked] * Niles: I Wonder As I Wander * Bach: [My Heart Ever Faithful * Sheep May Safely Graze] * Gounod: O Divine Redeemer * Faure: The Palms * Franck: Panis Angelicus * Kountz: Prayer Of The Norwegian Child * Handel: Thanks Be To Thee * Malotte: [The 23rd Psalm * The Lord's Prayer].