A top-rated collection of solo literature offering each instrument a variety that is simply superb. A very high percentage of the solos in these books are included on various state contest lists. Piano accompaniments published separately.
Contents: Allerseelen (All Souls Day) * Vocalise * Reverie F Horn Op. 24 Glazounov * Ballade (Ostransky) * Farewell Serenade (Herfurth) * La Chasse (Koepke) * Le Cor (Flegier) * Melodie (Lenom) * Nocturne(M/Sum.Ni.Dr.Mendelssohn) * Prelude(Herodiade - Massenet) * Romanza & Rondo [Con No. 4] (Mozart) * Scherzo (Shelukov) * Two Outdoor Scenes (Ostransky).